Outputs of Cross-Border Migration in the Reconstruction and Development of Zimbabwe
The Geography of Refugee Flows to Zimbabwe. African Geographical Review 35(2016): 18-34.
The Third Wave: Mixed Migration from Zimbabwe to South Africa. Canadian Journal of African Studies 49(2015): 363-82.
They Don’t Want Foreigners: Zimbabwean Migration and Xenophobia in Botswana. Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 6(2015):159-80.
Exclusion and Discrimination: Zimbabwean Migrant Children and South African Schools. Journal of International Migration and Integration 15(2014): 677-693.
Medical Xenophobia and Zimbabwean Migrant Access to Public Health Services in South Africa. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(2014): 655-670.
Forced Migration in Southern Africa. In The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 554-70.
The Perilous Trek: Zimbabwean Child Migrants and Access to Education in South Africa. In Refugees, Immigrants, Education in the Global South: Lives in Motion (New York: Routledge, 2013), pp. 54-69.
Unfriendly Neighbours: Contemporary Migration from Zimbabwe to Botswana. SAMP Policy Series No. 61 (2012).
Right to the Classroom: Educational Barriers for Zimbabweans in South Africa. SAMP Policy Series No. 56 ().
Medical Xenophobia: Zimbabwean Access to Health Services in South Africa. SAMP Policy Series No. 54 (2011).