Published Articles
Brown, Mercy, Kaplan, David and Meyer,J.-M. (2000), An Outline of Skilled Emigration from South Africa, Africa Insight, 30, 41-47. Reprinted in D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute, 2002).
Campbell, Eugene, Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin and Oucho, John (2016), Do Education and Urbanisation Really Contribute to Reduce Xenophobia in African Societies? Evidence from Botswana, Migration and Development
Campbell, Eugene (2015), The Role of the Diaspora in Southern Africa With Special Reference to Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland, In W. Khonje, ed., Migration and Development: Perspectives from Small States (London: Commonwealth Secretariat).
Campbell, Eugene and Crush, Jonathan (2015), ‘They Don’t Want Foreigners’: Zimbabwean Migration and Xenophobia in Botswana, Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, 6, 159-80.
Campbell, Eugene and Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin (2011), Remittances from Internal Migration and Poverty in Botswana, Sociology Mind, 1, 130-37.
Campbell, Eugene (2010), The Role of Remittances in Botswana: Does Internal Migration Really Reward Sending Families? Population, Space and Place, 16: 151-64.
Campbell, Eugene (2008), Moderating Poverty: The Role of Remittances from Migration in Botswana, Africa Development, 33, 91-115.
Campbell, Eugene (2007), Brain Drain Potential in Botswana, International Migration, 45, 115-45.
Campbell, Eugene (2006), Reflections on Illegal Immigration in Botswana and South Africa, African Population Studies, 21, 23-44.
Campbell, Eugene (2003), Attitudes of Botswana citizens toward immigrants: Signs of xenophobia? International Migration, 14, 71-109.
Campbell, Eugene (2001), Preferences for Emigration among Skilled Citizens in Botswana, International Journal of Population Geography, 7, 151-71.
Campbell, Eugene (2000), Perspectives on the Emigration Potential of Skilled Batswana, Africa Insight, 30, 48-55. Reprinted in D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute, 2002).
Chikanda, Abel and Crush, Jonathan (2016), The Geography of Refugee Flows to Zimbabwe, African Geographical Review, 35, 18-34.
Chikanda, Abel, Crush, Jonathan and Walton-Roberts, Margaret (2016). Disaggregating Diasporas. In A. Chikanda, J. Crush and M. Walton-Roberts, eds., Diaporas, Development and Governance (London: Springer).
Chikanda, Abel and Crush, Jonathan (2014). Diasporas of the South. In R. Anich, J. Crush, S. Melde and J. Oucho, eds., A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South (Dordrecht NL: Springer).
Chikanda, Abel (2011), The Changing Patterns of Physician Migration from Zimbabwe since 1990, International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 7, 77-92.
Chikanda, Abel (2010), The Political Economy of Migration from Southern Africa: The Case of Medical Doctors, OpenSpace, 3, 24-29.
Chikanda, Abel (2010). Nursing the Health System: The Migration of Health Professionals from Zimbabwe, In J. Crush and D. Tevera, Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival (Ottawa: IDRC).
Chikanda, Abel (2008), The Migration of Health Professionals from Zimbabwe, In J. Connell, ed., The International Migration of Health Workers (New York: Routledge).
Chikanda, Abel (2007), Medical Migration from Zimbabwe in the post-ESAP Era: Magnitude, Causes and Impact on the Poor, Development Southern Africa, 24, 47-60. Reprinted in J. Crush and B. Frayne, eds., Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (Midrand: DBSA, 2010).
Chikanda, Abel (2006), Skilled Health Professionals’ Migration and Its Impact on Health Delivery in Zimbabwe Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32, 667-80.
Chikanda, Abel (2005), Nurse Migration from Zimbabwe : Analysis of Recent Trends and Impacts, Nursing Inquiry, 12, 162-74.
Chikanda, Abel and Dodson, Belinda (2015), Medical Migration from Zimbabwe: Towards New Solutions, In I. Luginaah and R. Bezner-Kerr, eds.,Geographies of Health and Development (Farnham: Ashgate).
Chikanda, Abel and Dodson, Belinda (2013), Bandaid Transnationalism: Remittance Practices of Emigrant Zimbabwean Medical Doctors, Migration and Development, 2, 57-73.
Coplan, David (2001), A River Runs Through It: The Meaning of the Lesotho-Free State Border, African Affairs, 100, 81-116.
Crush, Jonathan and Chikanda, Abel (2017), Diaspora Engagement Policies in National Context: South Africa, In J. Mangala, ed., Africa and its Global Diaspora: The Policy and Politics of Emigration (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).
Crush, Jonathan and Chikanda, Abel (2017), Staunching the Flow: Brain Drain and High-Skilled Health Professional Retention Strategies in South Africa, In M. Czaika, ed., High-Skilled Migration: Drivers, Dynamics, and Policies (Oxford: OUP, 2017).
Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda, Abel and Tawodzera, Godfrey (2016), The Making of a Southern Diaspora: South-South Migration and Zimbabweans in South Africa, In A. Chikanda, J. Crush and M. Walton-Roberts, eds., Diasporas, Development and Governance (London: Springer).
Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda, Abel and Skinner, Caroline (2015), Migrant Entrepreneurship and Informality in South African Cities, In J. Crush, C. Skinner, A. Chikanda, eds., Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa (Ottawa: IDRC).
Crush, Jonathan and Ramachandran, Sujata (2015), Doing Business with Xenophobia, In J. Crush, C. Skinner, A. Chikanda, eds.. Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa (Ottawa: IDRC).
Crush, Jonathan (2015), The EU-ACP Migration and Development Relationship, Migration and Development, 4, 39-54.
Crush, Jonathan (2015), Mobility and Fairness: Lessons from Africa, In A Fair Deal on Talent: Fostering Just Migration Governance (Gütersloh: VBS).
Crush, J. (2015). Global Migration, In J. Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavorial Science, 2nd edition (Oxford: Elsevier).
Crush, Jonathan and Chikanda, Abel (2015), South-South Medical Tourism and the Quest for Health in Southern Africa, Social Science & Medicine, 124, 313-32.
Crush, J. and Ramachandran, S. (2015), Migration Myths and Extreme Xenophobia in South Africa, In A. Wiesbrock and D. Acosta, eds, Global Migration: Myths and Realities Volume 3 (Santa Barbara: Praeger).
Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda Abel and Tawodzera, Godfrey (2015), The Third Wave: Mixed Migration from Zimbabwe to South Africa, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 49, 363-382.
Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda, Abel, Sanders, David and Maswikwa, Belinda (2015), The Rise of Medical Tourism to South Africa, In N. Lunt, D. Horsfall and J. Hanefeld, eds., Elgar Handbook on Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).
Crush, Jonathan (2014), Southern Hub: The Globalization of Migration to South Africa, In R. Lucas, ed., International Handbook on Migration and Economic Development (London: Edward Elgar).
Crush, Jonathan and Chikanda, Abel (2014), Forced Migration in Southern Africa, In E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, G. Loescher, K. Long and N. Sigona, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Crush, Jonathan and Tawodzera, Godfrey (2014), Exclusion and Discrimination: Zimbabwean Migrant Children and South African Schools, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 15, 677-93.
Crush, Jonathan and Tawodzera, Godfrey (2014), Medical Xenophobia and Zimbabwean Migrant Access to Public Health Services in South Africa, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40, 655-670.
Crush, Jonathan (2013), Linking Migration, Development and Food Security, International Migration, 51, 61-75.
Crush, Jonathan (2013), South Africa As Dystopia: Diaspora Views from Canada, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 51, 189-209.
Crush, Jonathan and Tawodzera, Godfrey (2013), The Perilous Trek: Zimbabwean Child Migrants and Access to Education in South Africa, In L. Bartlett and A. Ghaffar-Kucher, eds, Refugees, Immigrants, Education in the Global South: Lives in Motion (New York: Routledge, 2013).
Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda, Abel and Maswikwa, Belinda (2013), South-South and North-South Medical Tourism: The Case of South Africa, In R. Labonte, V. Runnels, C. Packer and R. Deonandan, eds., Travelling Well: Essays in Medical Tourism (Ottawa: Institute of Population Health).
Crush, Jonathan and Pendleton, Wade (2012), The Brain Drain Potential of Students in the African Health and Nonhealth Sectors, International Journal of Population Research, ArticleID274305.
Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda, Abel and Pendleton, Wade (2012), The Disengagement of the South African Medical Diaspora in Canada, Journal of Southern African Studies, 38, 27-49.
Crush, Jonathan, Pendleton, Wade, Chikanda, Abel, Eberhardt, Cassandra, Caesar, Mary, Hill, Ashley and Ramachandran, Sujata (2012), Diasporas on the Web: New Networks, New Methodologies, In C. Vargas-Silva, ed., Handbook of Research Methods in Migration (Edward Elgar).
Crush, Jonathan (2011), Immigration, In S. Jacobs and K. Johnson, eds., Encyclopedia of South Africa (Boulder: Lynne Reinner Publishers).
Crush, Jonathan (2011), Diasporas of the South: Locating the African Diaspora in Africa. In S. Plaza and D. Ratha, eds., Diaspora for Development in Africa (Washington: World Bank).
Crush, Jonathan and Pendleton, Wade (2010), Brain Flight: The Exodus of Health Professionals from South Africa, International Journal of International Migration, Health and Social Care, 6, 3-18.
Crush, Jonathan and Ramachandran, Sujata (2010), Xenophobia, International Migration and Development, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 11, 209-28.
Crush, Jonathan and Tevera, Daniel (2010), Exiting Zimbabwe. In J. Crush and D. Tevera, eds., Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival (Ottawa: IDRC, 2010).
Crush, Jonathan and Frayne, Bruce (2009), Surviving on the Move, In J. Crush and B. Frayne, Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (Midrand: DBSA).
Crush, Jonathan and Hughes, Christine (2009), Brain Drain, In R. Kitchin and N. Thrift, eds., International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Vol. 1 (Oxford: Elsevier).
Crush, Jonathan and Pendleton, Wade (2009), Remitting for Survival: Rethinking the Development Potential of Remittances in Southern Africa, Global Development Studies, 5, 1-28.
Crush, Jonathan (2008), South Africa: Migration Policy in the Face of Xenophobia, Migration Information Source, July.
Crush, Jonathan (2008), Mean Streets: Johannesburg as an Emergent Gateway City, In M. Price and L. Benton-Short, eds., Immigrant Gateways as Global Cities (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press).
Crush, Jonathan and Williams, Vincent (2008), La Convention en Affrique du Sud: les droits des migrants depuis la fin de l’apartheid, Hommes & Migrations, 1271, 108-119.
Crush, Jonathan and Dodson, Belinda (2007), Another Lost Decade: The Failures of South Africa’s Post-Apartheid Migration Policy, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 98, 436-54.
Crush, Jonathan and Frayne, Bruce (2007), The Migration and Development Nexus in Southern Africa, Development Southern Africa, 24, 1-23.
Crush, Jonathan and Pendleton, Wade (2007), Mapping Hostilities: The Geography of Xenophobia in Southern Africa, South African Geographical Journal, 89, 64-82.
Crush, Jonathan, Pendleton, Wade and Tevera, Dan (2006), Degrees of Uncertainty: Students and the Brain Drain in Southern Africa, In Roshen Kishun, ed., The Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Africa (Durban: IEASA).
Crush, Jonathan, Williams, Brian, Gouws, Eleanor and Lurie, Mark (2005), Migration and HIV/AIDS in South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 22, 293-318.
Crush, Jonathan (2005), Breaking with Isolation: Johannesburg, South Africa, In Marcello Balbo, ed., International Migrants and the City (Nairobi: UNHABITAT).
Crush, Jonathan (2005), Forgotten Movements: Cross-Border Migration in Southern Africa, In P. Poddar and D. Johnson. eds., A Historical Companion to Post-Colonial Thought in English (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press).
Crush, Jonathan (2003), Migration and Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa, In A. Sakia, ed., Population, Environment and the Challenge of Development (New Delhi: Akansha).
Crush, Jonathan (2002), The Global Raiders: Nationalism, Globalization and the South African Brain Drain, Journal of International Affairs 56, 147-172.
Crush, Jonathan, and McDonald, David (2002), Evaluating South African Immigration Policy after Apartheid, Africa Today, 48, 1-14.
Crush, Jonathan and Tshitereke, Clarence (2002), Contesting Migrancy: The Foreign Labor Debate in Post-1994 South Africa, Africa Today, 48,49-72.
Crush, Jonathan, Ulicki, Theresa, Tseane, Teke and Van Veuren, Elizabeth (2001), Undermining Labour: The Rise of Sub-Contracting in Southern African Gold Mines, Journal of Southern African Studies, 27, 5-31.
Crush, Jonathan (2000), The Dark Side of Democracy: Migration, Human Rights and Xenophobia in South Africa, International Migration, 38, 103-134.
Crush, Jonathan, & McDonald, David (2000), Transnationalism, African Immigration, and New Migrant Spaces in South Africa, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 34, 1-19. Reprinted in J.
Crush, Jonathan and David, McDonald, eds., Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa (Toronto: CAAS).
Crush, Jonathan (1999), Fortress South Africa and the Deconstruction of the Apartheid Migration Regime, Geoforum, 30, 1-11.
Crush, Jonathan (1999), The Discourse and Dimensions of Irregularity in Post-Apartheid South Africa, International Migration, 37, 125-151.
Crush, Jonathan (1998), Immigration, Human Rights and the Constitution, In Jonathan Crush, ed., Beyond Control: Immigration & Human Rights in a Democratic South Africa (Cape Town: Idasa).
Crush, Jonathan (1996), A Bad Neighbour Policy? Migrant Labour and the New South Africa, Southern Africa Report, 12, 3-5.
Dambrun, Michel, Taylor, Donald, Crush, Jonathan, McDonald, David and Meot, A, (2006), The Relative Deprivation-Gratification Continuum and the Attitudes of South Africans Towards Immigrants, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 1032-44.
Danso, Ransford and McDonald, David (2002), Writing Xenophobia: Immigration and the Print Media inPost-apartheid South Africa, Africa Today, 48, 115-138.
Debrosee, Regine, Cooper, Megan, Taylor, Donald, de la Sablonniere, Roxane and Crush, Jonathan (2016), Fundamental Rights in the Rainbow Nation: Intergroup Contact, Threat, and Support for Newcomers’ Rights in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22, 367-379.
de la Sablonnire, Roxane, Tougas, Francine, Taylor, Donald and Crush, Jonathan et al (2015), Social Change in Mongolia and South Africa: The Impact of Relative Deprivation Trajectory and Group Status on Well-Being and Adjustment to Change, Social Justice Research, 28, 102-22.
de la Sablonnire, Roxane, Auger, Emile, Taylor, Donald, Crush, Jonathan et al (2013), Social Change in South Africa: An Historical Approach to Relative Deprivation, British Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 703-25.
de Vletter, F. (2007), Migration and Development in Mozambique: Poverty, Inequality and Survival, Development Southern Africa, 24, 137-154.
Dodson, Belinda and Crush, Jonathan (2016), Migration to South Africa since 1994: Realities, Policies and Public Attitudes, In T. Kepe, M. Levin and B. von Lires, eds. Domains of Freedom: Justice, Citizenship and Social Change in South Africa (Cape Town: UCT Press, 2016).
Dodson, B. (2010), Locating Xenophobia: Debate, Discourse, and Everyday Experience in Cape Town, South Africa, Africa Today, 56, 2-22.
Dodson, Belinda (2007), Gender, Migration and Livelihoods: Migrant Women in Southern Africa, In N. Piper, ed., New Perspectives on Gender and Migration: Livelihoods, Rights and Entitlements (London: Routledge).
Dodson, Belinda and Crush, Jonathan (2004), Masculinizing the Migrant: A Report on Gender Discrimination in South Africa ‘s 2002 Immigration Act, Feminist Review, 77, 96-119.
Dodson, Belinda (2002), Women in the Brain Drain: Gender and Skilled Migration from South Africa. In D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute).
Dodson, Belinda (2002), Discrimination by Default? Gender Concerns in South African Migration Policy, Africa Today, 48, 73-90.
Dodson, Belinda (2000), Porous Borders: Gender and Migration in Southern Africa, South African Geographical Journal, 82, 40-46.
Dodson, Belinda, and Oelofse, Catherine (2000), Shades of Xenophobia: In-Migrants and Immigrants in Mizamoyethu, Cape Town, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 34, 124-148. Reprinted in J. Crush and D. McDonald, eds., Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa (Toronto: CAAS, 2002).
Frayne, Bruce, Crush, Jonathan and McLachlan, Milla (2014), Urbanization, Nutrition and Development in Southern African Cities, Food Security, 6, 101-12.
Frayne, Bruce and Pendleton, Wade (2009), The Development Role of Remittances in the Urbanization Process in Southern Africa, Global Development Studies, 5, 85-132.
Frayne, Bruce (2007), Migration and the Changing Social Economy of Windhoek, Namibia, Development Southern Africa, 24, 91-108. Reprinted in J. Crush and B. Frayne, eds., Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (Midrand: DBSA, 2010).
Frayne, Bruce (2004), Migration and Urban Survival Strategies in Windhoek, Namibia, Geoforum, 35, 489-505.
Frayne, Bruce (2005), Survival of the Poorest: Migration and Food Security in Namibia, In L. Mougeot, ed., Agropolis: The Social, Political and Environmental Dimensions of Urban Agriculture (Ottawa: IDRC).
Frayne, Bruce and Pendleton, Wade (2001), Migration in Namibia: Combining Macro and Micro Approaches to Research Design and Analysis, International Migration Review, 35, 1054-1085.
Frayne, Bruce and Pendleton, Wade (2001), Home is Where the Heart Is: Namibians on Cross-Border Migration and Regional Integration, African Studies 60, 205-224.
Gay, John (2000), Migration Attitudes of Skilled Professionals in Lesotho, Africa Insight, 30, 65-74. Reprinted in D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute, 2002).
Grant, Miriam (2007), Lodging as a Migrant Economic Strategy in Urban Zimbabwe, Development Southern Africa, 24, 77-90. Reprinted in J. Crush and B. Frayne, eds., Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (Midrand: DBSA, 2010).
Handmaker, Jeff (2002), No Easy Walk: Advancing Refugee Protection in South Africa, Africa Today, 48, 91-114.
Klaaren, Jonathan and Ramji, Jaya (2002), Inside Illegality: Migration Policing in South Africa after Apartheid, Africa Today, 48, 35-48.
Labonte, Ronald, Sanders, David, Mathole, Thubelihle, Crush, Jonathan, Chikanda, Abel, Dambisa Yoswa, Runnels, Victoria, Packer, Corinne, Mackenzie, A, Murphy, Gail and Bourgeault, Ivy (2015), Health Worker Migration from South Africa: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses, Human Resources for Health, 13:92.
Lefko-Everett, K. (2010), The Voices of Migrant Zimbabwean Women in South Africa, In J. Crush and D. Tevera, eds., Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival (Ottawa: IDRC).
Lefko-Everett, K. (2004), Botswana’s Changing Migration Patterns. Migration Information Source, 1 September.
Mather, Charles (2000), Foreign Migrants in Export Agriculture: Mozambican Labour in the Mpumalanga Lowveld, South Africa, Tijdschrift voor Economische en SocialeGeographie, 91, 426-436.
Mattes, Robert and Mniki Namhla (2007), Restless Minds: South African Students and the Brain Drain, Development Southern Africa 24, 25-46. Reprinted in J. Crush and B. Frayne, eds., Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (Midrand: DBSA, 2010).
Mattes, Robert, Crush, Jonathan and Richmond, Wayne (2000), The Brain Gain and Legal Immigration to Post-Apartheid South Africa, Africa Insight, 30, 21-30. Reprinted in D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute, 2002).
Mattes, Robert and Richmond, Wayne (2000), The Brain Drain: What Do Skilled South Africans Think? Africa Insight, 30, 10-20. Reprinted in D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute, 2002).
Mawadza, Aquilina and Crush, Jonathan (2010), Metaphors of Migration: Zimbabwean Migrants in the South African Media. In J. Crush and D. Tevera, eds., Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival (Ottawa: IDRC).
McDonald, David and Jacobs, Sean (2006), (Re)writing Xenophobia: Understanding Press Coverage of Cross-Border Migration in Southern Africa, Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 23, 205-325.
McDonald, David and Crush, Jonathan (2002), Thinking About the Brain Drain in Southern Africa. In D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute).
McDonald, David, Zinyama, Lovemore, Gay,John, de Vletter, Fion and Mattes, Robert (2000), Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: Migration from Lesotho, Mozambique and Zimbabwe to South Africa, International Migration Review, 34, 813-841.
McDonald, David (2000), We Have Contact: Foreign Migration and Civic Participation in Marconi Beam, Cape Town, Canadian Journal of African Studies, 34, 101-123. Reprinted in J. Crush and D. McDonald, eds., Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa (Toronto: CAAS, 2002).
McDonald, David and Crush, Jonathan (2000), Understanding the Scale and Character of Skilled Migration in Southern Africa, Africa Insight, 30, 5-9.
McDonald, David (1999), Lest the Rhetoric Begin: Migration, Population and the Environment in South Africa, Geoforum, 30, 13-25.
McDonald, David (1998), Hear No Housing, See No Housing: Immigration and Homelessness in the New South Africa, Cities, 15, 449-462.
McDonald, David (1997), Greener Pastures?: Attitudes Towards Cross-Border Migration in Southern Africa, Southern Africa Report, 13.
Melde, Susanne, Anich, Rudolf, Crush, Jonathan and Oucho, John (2014). The South-South Migration and Development Nexus, In R. Anich, J. Crush, S. Melde and J. Oucho, eds., A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South (Dordrecht NL: Springer).
Northcote, Madeleine and Dodson, Belinda (2015). Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Cape Town’s Informal Economy, In J. Crush, C. Skinner, A. Chikanda, eds., Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa (Ottawa: IDRC).
Oucho, J. (2007), African Brain Drain and Gain, Diaspora and Remittances: More Rhetoric than Action, In A. Adepoju, T. Naerssen and A. Zoomers, eds., International Migration and National Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (Leiden: Brill)
Oucho, John (2003), From Drain to Gain: Development Aspects of Africa’s Brain Drain, Labour Migration and Remittances, In World Migration 2003 (Geneva: IOM).
Oucho, John (2002), Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: Africa’s Liability for the Next Millenium, In D. Joly, ed., Global Changes in Asylum Regimes (London: Palgrave Macmillan).
Oucho, John (2000), Skilled Immigrants in Botswana: A Stable but Temporary Workforce, Africa Insight, 30, 56-64. Reprinted in D. McDonald and J. Crush, eds., Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute, 2002).
Oucho, John (1998), Regional Integration and Labour Mobility in Eastern and Southern Africa, In Reg Appleyard, ed., Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries:Volume 1. (Aldershot: Gower, 1998), 264-300.
Oucho, John and Crush, Jonathan (2002), Contra Free Movement: South Africa and SADC Migration Protocols, Africa Today, 48, 139-158.
Peberdy, Sally, Crush, Jonathan, Tevera, Damiel et al. (2015), Transnational Entrepreneurship and Informal Cross-Border Trade with South Africa, In J. Crush, C. Skinner, A. Chikanda, eds., Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa (Ottawa: IDRC).
Peberdy, Sally and Crush, Jonathan (2008), Histories, Realities and Negotiating Free Movement in Southern Africa, In A. Pecoud and P. de Guchteneire, eds., Migration Without Borders: Essays on the Free Movement of People (Paris: UNESCO).
Peberdy, Sally (2008), The Invisible Woman: Gender Blindness and South African Immigration Policies and Legislation, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 33, 800-807.
Peberdy, Sally and Dinat, Natalya (2007), Restless Worlds of Work, Health and Migration: Domestic Workers in Johannesburg, Development Southern Africa, 24, 187-203.
Peberdy, Sally (2005), Southern Africa, In M. Gibney and R. Hansen, eds., Immigration and Asylum: From 1900 to the Present, Volume 2, (New York: ABC-CLIO).
Peberdy, Sally and Rogerson, Christian (2003), Creating New Spaces? Immigrant Entrepreneurship in South Africa’s SMME Economy, In R. Kloosterman and J. Rath, eds., Venturing Abroad: Global Processes and National Peculiarities of Migrant Entrepreneurship in Advanced Economies (Oxford : Berg).
Peberdy, Sally (2002), Imagining Immigration: Inclusive Identities and Exclusive Policies in Post-1994 South Africa, Africa Today, 48, 15-34.
Peberdy, Sally (2001), Passaggi di frontiera. Piccoli imprenditori e commercio transfrontaliero tra Sudafrica e Mozambico, Afriche e Orienti, 1.
Peberdy, Sally (2000), Border Crossings: Small Entrepreneurs and Informal Sector Cross Border Trade between South Africa and Mozambique, Tjidschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geographie, 91, 361-378.
Peberdy, Sally and Crush, Jonathan (2001), Invisible Travellers, Invisible Trade? Informal Sector Cross Border Trade and the Maputo Corridor Spatial Development Initiative, South African Geographical Journal, 83, 115-123.
Peberdy, Sally (2000), Mobile Entrepreneurship: Informal Sector Cross Border Trade and Street Trade in South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 18: 201-219.
Peberdy, Sally and Majodina, Zonke (2000), Just a Roof Over My Head?: Housing and the Somali Refugee Community. Urban Forum, 11, 273-288.
Peberdy, Sally and Crush, Jonathan (1998), Rooted in Racism: The Origins of the Alien’s Control Act, In Jonathan Crush, ed. Beyond Control: Immigration and Human Rights in a Democratic South Africa (Cape Town: Idasa).
Peberdy, Sally and Rogerson, Christian (2002), Transnationalism and Non-South African Entrepreneurs in South Africa’s Small, Medium and Micro-Enterprise Economy, In Jonathan Crush and David McDonald, eds., Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa (Toronto: SAMP and CAAS).
Peberdy, Sally (1998), Obscuring History, In David Simon, ed., South Africa in Southern Africa:Reconfiguring the Region (London and Cape Town: James Currey and David Phillip).
Pendleton, Wade, Crush, Jonathan and Nickanor, Ndeyapo (2014), Migrant Windhoek: Rural–Urban Migration and Food Security in Namibia, Urban Forum, 25, 191-206.
Pendleton, Wade (2008), Migration and Xenophobia in Southern Africa, dvv international 70.
Ramachandran, Sujata (2016), Benevolent Funds: Philanthropic Practices of the South African Diaspora in Ontario, Canada, In A. Chikanda, J. Crush and M. Walton-Roberts, eds., Diasporas, Development and Governance (London: Springer).
Raimundo, Ines (2017), The Current and Prospective Brain Drain in Mozambique, In A. Goujon, M. Haller and B. Kmet, eds., Higher Education in Africa: Challenges for Development, Mobility and Cooperation (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing).
Raimundo, Ines (2009), International Migration Management and Development in Mozambique: What Strategies? International Migration, 47, 93-122.
Raimundo, Ines (2007), Migration Management: Mozambique’s Challenges and Strategies, In A. Adepoju, T. Naerssen and A. Zoomers, eds., International Migration and National Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (Leiden: Brill).
Rogerson, Christian (2016), Responding to Informality in Urban Africa: Street Trading in Harare, Zimbabwe, Urban Forum, 27, 229-251.
Rogerson, Christian (2016). Progressive Rhetoric, Ambiguous Policy Pathways: Street Trading in Inner-City Johannesburg, South Africa, Local Economy, 31, 204-218.
Rogerson, Christian (2016), South Africa’s Informal Economy: Reframing Debates in National Policy, Local Economy, 31, 172-186.
Rogerson, Christian (2016). Policy Responses to Informality in Urban Africa: The Example of Maputo, Mozambique. Geojournal doi:10.1007/s10708-016-9735-x
Rogerson, Christian (2015), Unpacking National Policy Towards the Informal Economy. In J. Crush, C. Skinner, A. Chikanda, eds., Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa (Ottawa: IDRC).
Rogerson, Christian and Crush, Jonathan (2008), South Africa and the Global Recruitment of Health Professionals, Africa Insight, 37, 1-15.
Rogerson, Christian and Crush, Jonathan (2008), The Recruiting of South African Health Professionals, In J. Connell, ed., The International Migration of Health Workers (London: Routledge).
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