Special issue of International Migration 2017
Jonathan Crush and Mary Caesar (2017), Introduction: Cultivating the Migration-Food Security Nexus, International Migration, 55(4), 10-17.
Kilian N. Atuoye, Vincent Z. Kuuire, Joseph Kangmennaang, Roger Antabe and Isaac Luginaah (2017), Residential Remittances and Food Security in the Upper West Region of Ghana, International Migration, 55(4), 18-34.
Elizabeth Thomas-Hope (2017), Migration, Small Farming and Food Security in the Caribbean: Jamaica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, International Migration, 55(4), 35–47.
Anelyse M. Weiler, Janet McLaughlin and Donald C. Cole (2017), Food Security at Whose Expense? A Critique of the Canadian Temporary Farm Labour Migration Regime and Proposals for Change, International Migration, 55(4), 48–63.
Megan A. Carney (2017), “Back There We Had Nothing to Eat”: The Case of Transnational Food Insecurity, International Migration, 55(4), 64–77.
Jo Hunter-Adams (2017), Exploring Perceptions of the Food Environment Amongst Congolese, Somalis and Zimbabweans Living in Cape Town, International Migration, 55(4), 78–87.
Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera (2017), South-South Migration and Urban Food Security: Zimbabwean Migrants in South African Cities, International Migration, 55(4), 88–102.