Mythologies of Migration and the Informal Sector
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Cultivating the Migration-Food Security Nexus
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Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa
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Diasporas, Development and Governance (2016). |
Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration and Survival (2010). |
Surviving on the Move: Migration, Poverty and Development in Southern Africa (2010). |
Perspectives on the Migration-Development Nexus in Southern Africa Special Issue of Development Southern Africa, 27(1) 2007. |
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On Borders: Perspectives on International Migration in Southern Africa (2000). |
Destinations Unknown: Perspectives on the Brain Drain (2002). |
The New South Africans? The Immigration Amnesties and Their Aftermath (1999). |
Transnationalism, and New African Immigration to South Africa (2002). |
Beyond Control: Immigration and Human Rights in a Democratic South Africa (1998). |
Transforming South African Migration and Immigration Policy (1998). |